Autism is a condition that has multiple different complications and each one of them has different approaches; although, they all come to the same conclusion: difficulty to overcome their struggles. From the previous investigations, it was found that—in a therapeutical approach—the findings on vocal learning in songbirds can help to improve current methods and/or come up with new ones to help autistic people. As for right now, people that have this condition are helped through therapy such as applied behavior analysis therapy (ABA), verbal behavior therapy (VBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and many others. The amount of work it takes to take care of a child with autism is limitless. Expensive medication, treatments, lack of resources, time and support. 1 in 59 families in the United States has to go through this process. Some have to deal with it on their own because they cannot afford therapy, trying their best to have a child as close as possible to being “normal”. Due to the many difficulties these families face, a social media post and a flyer would be the best approach to communicate the message. Social media has tremendous power. By posting a post on autism and how it can be helped, many people can help autistic children and other people that go through similar situations as well. The therapies that are applied to autistic children to help them overcome their problems are not only beneficial for them, but also to everyone. To help someone else, you do not necessarily need a degree or some huge deep knowledge on the topic. It is more of having the capacity to understand, apply and transform. In this way, knowing what to do to help someone, it is going to bring a feeling of security and progress as much as the one who gives it as the one who receives it.
- Rhetorical situation: Many people are unaware of ASD. Its conditions and what it can cause on the affected person. Before doing this project, I found myself unaware of this condition. Now, my knowledge has changed for good by knowing the facts of ASD.
- Stance: The attitude that has taken towards this genre is, I’ll say, informative and simple. I want people to know the simple things of autism and use that knowledge to help.
- Medium: This message is delivered in a poster in an easy form to understand and follow and at the same time, make an impact.
- Language: Simple and to the main point. To deliver this information, there is no need to go on on the details. The information communicated is basically self-explanatory.
- Genre: The most effective and convenient form of communication to transmit a message on ASD is through a Poster. In a poster, we can achieve many points and people will be more attracted to see it with its colorfulness.
- Tone: Informative, formal and empathetic.
- Purpose: The purpose of this poster is to inform people about ASD targeting three main points: (1) I am different: this section informs the audience—the general population—the physical qualities of a person with autism and some aspects of their personality. (2) the second section focuses on things you can do to help someone with autism feel better and accepted in their environment. (3) things you must do to someone autistic. Autistic people already feel left out, and being rude can make them feel even worse and unaccepted. And this idea connects with the last section. “We may look or act different, but that doesn’t mean that I am not as important”.
- Rhetorical situation: ASD awareness lacks on social media causing people to be unaware of this condition that affects hundreds and hundreds of people in the U.S. since their first day in the world leading to many complications socially, internally, and externally.
- Stance: Same as with the poster genre, this genre is informative and simple.
- Medium: Slightly different, this message is transmitted through a social media post, still targeting the most important and common difficulties autistic people face but with a solution.
- Language: Simple and to the main point. To deliver this information, there is no need to go on on the details. However, it will be required for the audience to do research on what each therapy is about.
- Genre: Social media post to create a bigger impact on the people that are constantly in social media.
- Tone: Informative, formal and empathetic.
- Purpose: The purpose of this social media post is to call people’s attention, especially those that have a loved one with autism, that there is a solution to every single one of there problems. Each one of these therapies has shown incredible results of progress on children with autism, and each one is dedicated to focus on their biggest issues.